Periods! Periods! Yes, we said Periods! We understand how difficult Periods can be, the pain, the cramps, the mood swings, the bloating, and OMG, the crying.
We're on a Mission!
To improve the way menstruators experience periods!
"Our dream is to create a world, where you can talk freely about periods without any euphemism, where you don’t whisper about your “shark week” or “moon-time”. Instead where period is easy to deal with"
Period Knowledge
68% of Indian girls & more than 80% transgenders are still unaware of periods before they get their first period. There are many myths about periods in our country even in the educated ones. We at PeriodBuddy, have taken an initiative to educatewomenmenstruatorseveryone including men about periods.
Better Periods
From stains and cramps to those ups and downs, Periods can sometimes turn everything into a ‘bloody experience’. We believe that, a better period experience is a must and offer freedom that every menstruator deserves. Our dedicated team, takes utmost care in creating a perfect kit to pamper and make periods easy to deal with.
Talk Freely
Period! Topic of menstruation is always a ‘hush’ wrapped behind a black plastic bag in India. We are striving for “No more whispers” about periods. Even today, after great advancement in technology, “Periods are still a shame “. We believe, there is a great need to create an environment where people can talk freely about periods and treat it what it is, a natural phenomenon.

You can Count on Us!
Give us a smile? No, give us a good cry!
“Fly high with those magical wings, nothing can let you down, not even your periods.”
How We Bring the Transition?
We're Proud of
6 ratings out of 5
Women loved our product so much that more than 30% have given us 6 rating out of 5. We are 4.85+ rated product. This inspires us to go an extra mile for their happiness.
Celebrated Periods
We are proud to say that many doctors, dancers, teachers, lawyers, housewives and many more women fell in love with our pampering and period experience with our kits.
Happy Parents
Being a part of their daughter’s journey towards womanhood is a blessing for us.